根据《国务院关于修改<建设项目环境保护管理条例>的决定》(国务院令第682号)、《关于发布<建设项目竣工环境保护验收暂行办法>的公告》(国环规环评〔2017〕4号)、《建设项目竣工环境保护验收技术规范 生态影响类》(HJ/T394-2007)等要求,现将本项目竣工环境保护验收材料公示如下:一、项目名称:裕兴螺丝清洗生产线扩建项目二、建设地点:厦门市集美区北部工业区天凤路 123 号 1#生产厂房 2 楼三、建设单位:裕兴螺丝(厦门)工业有限公司四、公示内容:竣工环境保护验收监测报告表五、公示时间:2024.12.26-2025.1.24。六、联系电话:0592-6297616七、
From May 22nd to 24th, 2024, the Shanghai International Fastener Industry Expo was held again. With the theme of "New Quality Development, Green Intelligent Manufacturing", the exhibition gathered a group of fastener industry elites and built a platform for communication, cooperation, and win-win fo
This exhibition kicked off at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. Yuxing's sales team also made sufficient preparations in the early stage, and worked with our technical team to present and promote Yuxing's best and latest research and development products.Yuxing not only has rich experience in the medical, home furnishing, and electronic and electrical industries, but has also been deeply involved in the research and development and expansion of the automotive new energy field in recent years. We look forward to growing together with partners who have product needs.
Time flies like an arrow, and in a blink of an eye, the company has gone through thirty years of development and history. Thirty years ago today, the company started in Xiamen from Taiwan, and has now become a company in Xiamen with wide influence and height. Reputation company.Every historical moment of the company embodies the wisdom and sweat of every employee, and carries their dreams and hopes.They are loyal to their duties, diligent in their careers, and committed to innovation, which enables the company to flourish and grow.
This exhibition kicked off at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center. Yuxing's sales team also made sufficient preparations in the early stage, and worked with our technical team to present and promote Yuxing's best and latest research and development products.Yuxing not only has rich experience in the medical, home furnishing, and electronic and electrical industries, but has also been deeply involved in the research and development and expansion of the automotive new energy field in recent years. We look forward to growing together with partners who have product needs.
Time flies like an arrow, and in a blink of an eye, the company has gone through thirty years of development and history. Thirty years ago today, the company started in Xiamen from Taiwan, and has now become a company in Xiamen with wide influence and height. Reputation company.Every historical moment of the company embodies the wisdom and sweat of every employee, and carries their dreams and hopes.They are loyal to their duties, diligent in their careers, and committed to innovation, which enables the company to flourish and grow.
Time flies like an arrow, and in a blink of an eye, the company has gone through thirty years of development and history. Thirty years ago today, the company started in Xiamen from Taiwan, and has now become a company in Xiamen with wide influence and height. Reputation company.Every historical moment of the company embodies the wisdom and sweat of every employee, and carries their dreams and hopes.They are loyal to their duties, diligent in their careers, and committed to innovation, which enables the company to flourish and grow.